Ovulation Test
Advanced Digital

Advanced Digital Ovulation Test
Typically identifies 4 or more fertile days1

In every cycle there are only a few days when a woman can conceive, so having sex on these days is very important if you are trying to get pregnant. The Clearblue® Advanced Digital Ovulation Test is the first and ONLY test that typically identifies 4 or more fertile days each cycle. It tracks 2 key fertility hormones to identify your High AND Peak fertility days, so you can plan ahead and have more opportunities to get pregnant.

Identifies typically 4 or more fertile days

Identifies typically 4 or more fertile days1

By identifying more fertile days before ovulation than any other ovulation test, you have more opportunities to get pregnant and can plan ahead to spend quality time with your partner.

Tracks 2 key fertility hormones

Tracks 2 key fertility hormones

It's the only ovulation test to accurately track not only luteinising hormone, but also estrogen to identify your wider fertility window.

Smart technology and clear digital results

Smart technology and clear digital results

With its unique algorithm, the test adapts to your personal hormone profile, so you are less likely to miss your fertile days. The clear digital display gives you a Clearblue® smiley face when it identifies your best days to get pregnant so you know your body is ready.

Only brand with a re-usable reader

Only brand with a re-usable reader

If you have ovulation test sticks left after detecting your first LH surge then you can use them with the same test holder to identify your fertile days next cycle, if you're not already pregnant.


Try our FREE Clearblue® Period & Cycle Tracker app

Log your ovulation test results, and track your cycles and symptoms. See predictions for your peak fertility days and period due date based on your cycle length.

App images for illustration purposes only.

It works differently to other ovulation tests

Clearblue® Advanced Digital Ovulation Test works differently to other ovulation tests as it is designed to detect 2 hormones, estrogen and LH. When it detects a rise in your level of estrogen it displays High Fertility (flashing smiley face), and will continue to display High Fertility in the following days whilst it looks for your LH surge. When your LH surge is detected, the test displays Peak Fertility (static smiley face).

5 points you need to read before use

Peak Fretility displayed constantly for 48 hours

Peak Fertility is displayed constantly for 48 hours after it first appears

You cannot do another test while Peak Fertility is shown, as the holder will not be able to read it.


4 or more fertile days

The number of fertile days you see is personal to you

Not all cycles are the same. The number of fertile days you see is personal to you.

Every woman’s cycles are unique and hormone patterns differ. In a study of 87 women, this is what we observed:

Number of High Fertility days before Peak Fertility Number of Women
0-4 57 (66%)
5-9 22 (25%)
10+ 1 (1%)
No Peak Fertility detected after High Fertility 7 (8%)
TOTAL 87 (100%)


More than 9 fertile days

Seen more than 9 High Fertility days?

If you see more than 9 High Fertility days you may wish to stop testing this cycle.
- If you started testing on the correct day for your usual cycle length and you see 9 or more days of High Fertility, it is unlikely that you will see Peak Fertility in this cycle.
- Occasionally some women have an LH surge that is too low for the test to detect or they do not ovulate during a cycle and therefore they don’t see Peak Fertility. This is not unusual and may happen in approximately 8% of cycles. If you do not see Peak Fertility for 3 consecutive cycles, we recommend you discuss this with your doctor.


Test once a day

Test once a day

Only test once a day until you see High Fertility - For reliable High Fertility results you must use the urine from after your longest sleep. - When you have seen High Fertility you can test more often, but avoid excess fluid intake before testing.


Don't remove the batteries

Don't remove the batteries

If you remove the batteries from the holder you will not be able to use it again. If you have any questions please refer to the full instruction leaflet or contact the Careline.


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Advanced Digital Ovulation Test

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How to use Clearblue® Advanced Digital Ovulation Test

1. Before testing

- Please always read the instructions on pack and in the leaflet carefully before use.

- Always test using the first urine after your longest sleep.

- You need to know your usual cycle length before you start to ensure you test at the right time to find your high and peak fertile days.

- The day your period starts (first day of full bleeding) is Day 1. Your cycle length is the total number of days from Day 1 up to and including the day before your next period starts.

- Once you know your cycle length, use the table below to find out when to start testing:

Your cycle length in days 21 or less 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 or more
Start testing on the day under your cycle length 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 days before your next period

2. Get ready to test

- Remove a test stick from its foil wrapper.

- Remove the cap from the test stick.

Get ready to test

- Align the purple arrow on the ovulation test stick with the arrow on the test holder.

- Insert the test stick until it clicks into place.

- The ovulation test will switch on after you have inserted the test stick correctly.

Get ready to test


Get ready to test- If it's the first time you have used the test holder, the 'new cycle' symbols will flash briefly.


Get ready to test- Wait for the 'test ready' symbol to appear and test immediately.


3. Doing the test

Doing the test- Place the absorbent tip pointing downwards in your urine stream for 3 seconds.
- Or collect a sample of your urine in a clean, dry container. Dip the sampler in the urine for 15 seconds.
- The 'test ready' symbol will start flashing after a minute to show the test is working.


4. Wait for 5 minutes

Wait for 5 minutes- Within 1 minute you will see that the test is working as the test ready symbol will start to flash.


Wait for 5 minutes- Keep the sampler pointing downwards or lay the test flat.

- Throughout testing never hold the test with the absorbent tip pointing upwards.
- Your result will appear on the display after 5 minutes.


5. Read your results

Read your results
Low Fertility – a clear circle


- A clear circle indicates low fertility. Having intercourse today is just for fun as it is unlikely, but not impossible, that you will become pregnant. Your result will be displayed for 8 minutes. 
- Do not test again today. Test again tomorrow using the first urine after your longest sleep 
- Note: The test is looking for the rise in estrogen that will indicate you have reached High Fertility, for your High Fertility results to be reliable it’s important to test only once a day.


Read your results
High Fertility - a flashing smiley face


- When the test first detects a rise in your level of estrogen it will display High Fertility (a flashing smiley face). Your result will be displayed for 8 minutes. 
- In the following days the test will continue to display High Fertility whilst it looks for your LH surge. Continue to test daily to find your LH surge. 
-  After your first day of High Fertility is displayed you can test more than once a day if you would like to but avoid excess fluid intake before testing. 

If you see more than 9 High Fertility days, see FAQs 2 and 4.


Read your results
Peak Fertility - A static smiley face is constantly displayed for 48 hours after it first appears


You cannot do another test while Peak Fertility is shown, as the holder will not be able to read it.


6. After the test

- Eject your test stick right away and dispose of it in your normal household waste.

After the test

Frequently asked questions

My Peak Fertility (static smiley face) won’t go away, is the test broken?

  • When your LH surge is first detected, the test will display a static smiley face and this will continue to be displayed constantly for 48 hours, indicating your 2 most fertile days.
  • You cannot do another test while Peak Fertility is shown on the display as the holder will not be able to read it. You can save any remaining test sticks to use in a future cycle if needed
  • Don’t remove the batteries to try to reset the holder, if you do this you will break the holder and you won’t be able to use it again

I’ve done all the tests as instructed, but have not seen High Fertility. What should I do?

  • There are enough test sticks in this pack for most women with regular cycles to detect their High and Peak Fertility. It is possible that if your cycle length is long or it varies, you may need to do more tests. You should use the same holder with test sticks from a new pack.
  • Some women may not see High Fertility days but see Peak Fertility days only. This may be because the estrogen level is not high enough to be detected by the test, or they started testing too late. Peak Fertility results can still be relied upon and having sex on these days maximises your chance of getting pregnant

I’ve done the tests as instructed and I did not see exactly 4 fertile days, what does this mean?

  • Hormone levels and cycle length vary from one woman to another and from cycle to cycle in the same woman. The number of fertile days displayed each cycle will be personal to you and some women will have more, or less than 4. In a study of 87 women, this is what we observed:
Number of High Fertility days before Peak Fertility Number of Women
0-4 57 (66%)
5-9 22 (25%)
10+ 1 (1%)
No Peak Fertility detected after High Fertility 7 (8%)
TOTAL 87 (100%)

I have now seen High Fertility results for a long time, surely I can’t be fertile all this time?

  • When the test detects a rise in your level of estrogen it displays High Fertility (flashing smiley face), and will continue to display High Fertility in the following days whilst it looks for your LH surge.
  • If you start testing too early in your cycle or too late (after the LH surge has occurred) then you may see a lot of High Fertility days.
  • If you started testing on the correct day for your usual cycle length and you see 9 or more days of High Fertility, it is unlikely that you will see Peak Fertility in this cycle. You may wish to stop testing for this cycle and save any remaining tests for next cycle.
  • Occasionally some women have an LH surge that is too low for the test to detect, or they do not ovulate during a cycle and in this case they may see lots of High Fertility days but no Peak Fertility. This is not unusual and may happen in approximately 8% of cycles.
  • If you don’t see Peak Fertility for 3 consecutive cycles we recommend you discuss this with your doctor.
  • Remember, your results are personal to you and you may see more than 2 High Fertility days – see table in Q3.

Can I test more than once a day if I want to?

For your High fertility results to be reliable it is important to only test once a day using the urine after your longest sleep. 

After your first day of High Fertility is displayed, and the test starts looking for your LH surge, you can test more frequently if you would like to, but avoid excess fluid intake before testing.

Does the test start adapting to my unique cycle right from the first day of testing?

Yes, the test reads your individual hormone levels and on the first day you test in each cycle the level of estrogen will be identified. The test cannot display High Fertility on the first day you test as it needs to determine your baseline level. Subsequent tests use this baseline level and when a significant rise in estrogen is detected it will display High Fertility. The test will then display High Fertility until it detects the LH surge and Peak Fertility is displayed. If an LH surge is detected on the first day of testing, Peak Fertility will be displayed.

Can any medication or medical conditions affect the result?

I have put in a new Clearblue® Advanced Digital Ovulation Test Stick and these symbols have flashed on the display. What does it mean?

new cycle symbol

This means that the holder is ready to use for the first time. It will also be displayed if you are testing after you have seen Peak Fertility or if you have not done a test for 3 or more days in a row. If you have missed 3 or more tests and not seen Peak Fertility the holder will think you are testing for the first time. If you carry on testing it might not detect High or Peak Fertility. It is better to wait for your next cycle to start testing again.

My cycle length varies, when should I start testing using Clearblue® Advanced Digital Ovulation Test?

If your cycle length varies use the shortest cycle over the last 6 to work out when to start testing.

What if I missed testing with the first urine after my longest sleep?

You should test as soon as you can but avoid drinking a large amount of liquid beforehand. If you do not use the first urine after your longest sleep you may see unexpected High Fertility results so it is important that you remember to use the first urine after your longest sleep.

Can I buy more Clearblue® Advanced Digital Ovulation Test test sticks or use the holder with test sticks from any other product?

No. Test sticks are not available separately. You can only use test sticks for the Clearblue® Advanced Digital Ovulation Test with the holder.

How accurate is Clearblue® Advanced Digital Ovulation Test?

A laboratory test has shown the test to be over 99% accurate in detecting the LH surge (Peak Fertility).2


Digital Ovulation Test: pinpoints your 2 most fertile days

In every cycle there are only a few days when a woman can conceive, so having sex on these days is very important if you are trying to get pregnant.

  • 1In a study of 87 women, 4 or more fertile days were identified in 80% of cycles using actual cycle length.
  • 2The sensitivity of the LH detection in Clearblue® Advanced Digital Ovulation Test is 40mIU/ml measured against the Third International Standard for urinary LH and FSH for Bioassay (71/264).